145 Beadle Lake Drive
Battle Creek, MI 49014

​​Tel: 269-209-6640



"The Dictionary Project" started in South Carolina. The purpose of the project is to put dictionaries into the hands of third graders. These dictionaries are theirs to keep. The organizers of this project are well organized, and have structured the project to make it a success with a minimum of effort. The website includes sample letters, suggestions for labeling the dictionaries, press releases... in short they have thought of everything you need to make the project a success. You may even send for samples of the dictionaries that are offered for sale. Since the current school year is at an end you will have plenty of time to collect information on you school, ordering the dictionaries and make presentation to the school.

There are four things to recommend this project:

GOOD PURPOSE — The Grange has always supported the advancement of education

MEDIUM EXPENSE — The dictionaries are available at a reasonable cost. The books are sold in case lots.

MINIMUM EFFORT — The instructions are very complete. All the thinking work has been done for you. And it would take very few people to finish the project. A small committee could handle it easily.

GOOD PUBLIC RELATIONS — This project would make a very newsworthy story for print or radio.

Please consider this project. If you are interested please contact:  or

Mary L. French
P.O. Box #1845
Charleston SC 29402

HELLO SPRING!!!!! Hopefully sunshine and warmer temperatures are coming soon. Summer is knocking on our door

April was Grange month and on April 20th we had a Day Of Learning workshop for all Grange members. Lots good information was shared.
One of the things I shared was for Granges to develop a Facebook page. It is a wonderful way to inform other Granges and your community of activities and projects your Grange is doing.
Please let me know if your Grange has a Facebook page. I enjoy reading what our Granges are doing. 

Know your Community their needs and give them a helping hand. Our Community Services are a way to help each other and to help in our community.

Have you thought of doing any of these community services? 
  • Partner with an organization to help with projects.
  • Teach a group to sew, knit or crochet.
  • Tutor people learning English as their second language
  • Put together first aid kits s for homeless shelters

Remember when putting your community service report together the focus of all Community Service Reports is on the Community Service your Grange has done this year. 
The National Grange website has information on the Do’s and Don’ts for your Community Service Report. 

This issue is looking at the awards your Grange can receive for Community Service.

Lets review the awards that are available to our Granges We would like to encourage Granges to nominate a person in their community for the Dedicated Worker Award, a Grange member for the VIP (Very Important Patron) and The National Grange Firefighter/EMT, Law Enforcement Officer and Teacher of the Year Awards.

This award has its importance to the granges presenting the award. This award will no longer be judged at the state level. All nominates will be sent to National for judging. We hope that Granges will continue to present this award to people in their community.

The purpose of the Dedicated Worker Award is to honor someone in your community that has made a difference. Giving public recognition to those who have given outstanding effort is important. This recognition is our way of saying “Thank You” for a job well done.

The purpose of the VIP Award is for each Grange to honor a member who has made an outstanding contribution to the Grange.

Only one entry from a Grange may be submitted to the State Grange per year. Submit a biography and a summary of the contribution the VIP nominee has made to the Grange. If possible also submit a photograph of your VIP. The submission shall be sent to the State Community Service Director postmarked by September 10th,2024

​National Grange Firefighter/EMT, Law Enforcement Officer and Teacher of the Year Award
This is a wonderful way to thank people in your community. I hope more Granges try to award this to deserving people in their community.

The purpose in nominating an individual, in one of these categories, gives public recognition to those who have made an outstanding effort, is important in your various community service projects, that include honoring these hometown hero’s. National Grange encourages your Grange to honor these well deserving individuals. 

Each State Grange may submit one nominee for each category. Submit your nomination form, and any other supporting paper work, for possible National Grange recognition, to the State Community Director, the same time, as your Community Service report is due.

Your Community Service Report and Award nominations are due on September 10th, 2024.  


Summer Is Here !!!!!

Summer is a busy time for all families. We have many Grange activities happening in the next few months. Lets try to support our fellow Granges by attending some of these activities. 

Fredonia Grange will again be participating in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Calhoun County. It is community based and raises money for cancer research. Relay For Life is held at the Calhoun County Fairgrounds on June 23rd 3:00pm through 3:00pm Saturday the 24th. To raise funds for this project Fredonia Grange will be selling Luminary bags, in honor of or in memory of a loved one, to be placed along the walking route. If you wish to purchase a Luminary Bag please contact Andrea Peck, 517-568-3304.  Fredonia will also have a walking team 

August brings the Calhoun Country Fair,  August 11th through August 17. Fredonia will again have its food booth open and filled with many homemade goodies. Come and join us for some delicious eats.

The Wednesday Night Music Group and Fredonia Grange have formed The Mary La Fountain Music Scholarship. For more information contact Randy Nail, 269-317-1953

As you are working on your community service projects, I hope you were able to expand and add a new project this year.

It’s never too late to give a helping hand to your community.

Here are a couple of ideas:
  • Read a book to a person who is visually impaired.
  • Tutor a child during summer break.
  • Volunteer to help with Vacation Summer School in your area.
No project is too small when helping others.

Special awards were outlined in last months Michigan Grange News. Refer to it if you are thinking about nominating a special person in your Grange.

August 31st marks the end of our Community Service year. Your Community Service Report is due on September 10th, 2024. That means it needs to be delivered to the State Community Service Director on or before that date. (If special arrangements need to be made for the delivery of your Community Service Report please contact me.) 
Mary Ann Rocco 
145 Beadle Lake Drive, Battle Creek, Michigan 49014
​(Just a little note, when mailing your materials please put Drive on the address. There is also Beadle Lake Road and a Beadle Lake in the same zip code.) 269 209-6640

Here is a review of information and organization of our Community Service Report. 

The Notebook Reports
  • Please place the summary report at the beginning of the Notebook. It is required!
  • Please do not send more than one Notebook. Notebooks cannot be larger than a 2 inch binder
  • Videotapes and computer discs cannot be used in place of a report for judging.  

Organize the Notebooks.
  • Tell the your story as you organize your projects
  • Group the projects together 
  • Keep items that support your projects, like thank you letters and newspaper articles, with or without photos.
  • Simplify your notebook by selecting the best couple of photos for each project. 
  • Be concise and stick to the point. More is not always better. 

Ways to Organize
  • Organize by New Projects and Continuing Projects
  • Or-Organize in chronological order from the beginning to the end of the year
  • Or -Organize by the largest projects to the smallest projects
  • Keep the page clean and concise
  • List all project at the beginning of the book (Index)
  • Donations for a project should be noted  
  • If tabs are use make sure they are secured so they don’t fall out 
  • Remember the notebook maximum size is a 2-inch binder.

Something to think about
  • Each State Grange may submit one nominee for each category, Firefighter, Law Enforcement Officer and Teacher of the Year. A Dedicated Worker and a Very Important Person Award.  
  • Nominations need to be turned in with your Community Service Report.
(Nomination forms will be sent to your Community Service chairman soon).

The National Grange website has information on the Do’s and Don’ts of a Community Service Report.


Stay safe and enjoy your summer!